In the quaint town of Dexter, Maine resides one of The Pine Tree State's best kept secrets: The Mansion Event Home. Built in 1912, this spectacular house was once an elite boys preparatory school. Today The Mansion serves as one of Maine's finest event homes. The Mansion Event Home will plan and cater your event to perfection! Contact The Mansion Event Home for weddings, family gatherings, holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, fundraisers, graduations or any special event you'd like to celebrate!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
My First Time at the Maine Wedding Association Expo
It was my pleasure to participate in the Maine Wedding Assosiation's expo this past weekend at Spectacular Events in Bangor. I was able to meet with many other vendors who offer all kinds of wedding services. My sister mansion, The Brewster Inn had their booth right next to mine, and we were able to assist many brides and grooms in finding the perfect venue for their wedding day.
Once again the lollipop bags came in handy as I gave away little favors with my new business cards. I ordered the cards online through a company called Moo. What is unique about moo cards is that every seventh card is different, so I was able to showcase many photos of The Mansion all at once. I used butter mints that were wrapped in bride/groom wrappers and cherry-flavored candies decorated with wedding bells. Oriental Trading has become my new favorite company for candy.
The booth was decorated with all the special touches The Mansion Event Home has. My personal favorite is the Laurel garland, representing triumph! But the mercury glass heart always takes center stage. I designed my new logo with the heart in mind. The heart is crowned with a fleur de lis and encircled with a laurel crest - Love, triumplently crowned with perfection. All of these symbols are representive of what The Mansion Event Home is all about.
My thought for the day: In serching my core and getting in touch with my true values, I feel love! I strive for perfection in each task I take on and I love that about myself. What truth do you find when you look within yourself?
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