In the quaint town of Dexter, Maine resides one of The Pine Tree State's best kept secrets: The Mansion Event Home. Built in 1912, this spectacular house was once an elite boys preparatory school. Today The Mansion serves as one of Maine's finest event homes. The Mansion Event Home will plan and cater your event to perfection! Contact The Mansion Event Home for weddings, family gatherings, holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, fundraisers, graduations or any special event you'd like to celebrate!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Beautiful Fall wedding flowers
It's easy when you have a bride that knows just what she wants. Saving money on flowers was a priority for this bride,so she actually ordered single stems from an on line company and I arranged them in random vases throughout the house. Lucky for her I do have a background in arrangements. This bride had so much fun with her sister and I decorating with her Maple leaf theme. We had six lavish arrangements for under $100. Plus we had fun!
Harry Potter theme Wedding
When I was presented with the challenge to create a Harry Potter, Grecian style wedding, all I could think of was how to have candles suspended from the top of the tent. The flaming goblets were easy, but those darn suspended candles? The bride wanted it to look like the Great Hall in the movie. Tarnished silver platters and an abundance of food. I pondered my mechanics for a long time. One day when out Christmas shopping, I came across battery operated candles. My younger son said "well I guess you figured out how you are going to get the candles lit for the wedding." I looked at him and said "wow you are brilliant!" It didn't even dawn on me at first. They were suspended with fishing line at different lengths and came on automatically. It was time consuming to set up, but with a lot of help it was just perfect!
Garden grounds in the summer
Centerpiece savings!
The trend these days in the party planning industry is all about creative ways to create the WOW effect without the ouch to your budget. I have some ideas that I would like to share when it come to centerpieces for the tables.
The hard fast rule over large expensive floral arrangements, has taken a bit of a shift. Many brides are agreeing to simple yet elegant natural designs that incorporate a thyme. I recently had a bride that liked the look of bird nests. She and her groom had already started their family, so it wasn't just the two of them, it was three. I was able to locate twig-like bird nests in a local craft store, and filled each nest with three powder blue eggs. The nests were laid on a bed of ferns and surrounded with small white votive candles. Their colors were powder blue, brown and white. Using some wide satin ribbons and sheer long curtains, the arbor was transformed in no time. The colors were infused throughout the gardens. Tall vases were filled with blue food coloring and a floating candle. They lined the isle with the perfect illumination needed for a wedding at dusk. The vintage birdbath added to the thyme.
With gratitude for abundance
This past year was extremely abundant in so many ways. My original goal of twelve events ended up to be quadruple that. All events were well run and the great feedback is the proof of such. I love doing gatherings! It's where my creativity really soars. I am blessed to be surrounded by my family and friends for the most awesome support team I could have ever dreamed of.
With deep gratitude, I thank all of you for a prosperous 2011. Now lets rock 2012 and up the bar! I have confidence in the people I am blessed to work with. How lucky I am! My special thanks to my son Dan, who has created a name for The Mansion Event Home with his multi talented skills as a chef. Your food is fabulous darling!
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