In the quaint town of Dexter, Maine resides one of The Pine Tree State's best kept secrets: The Mansion Event Home. Built in 1912, this spectacular house was once an elite boys preparatory school. Today The Mansion serves as one of Maine's finest event homes. The Mansion Event Home will plan and cater your event to perfection! Contact The Mansion Event Home for weddings, family gatherings, holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, fundraisers, graduations or any special event you'd like to celebrate!
Monday, April 30, 2012
The Rehearsal Dinner
It's the night before your big day, the rehearsal is finished, now what? It's time for dinner! We host dinner parties the night prior to your event also. Many couples elect to go out to a restaurant, sit at a big long table and are only able to talk to the people sitting close to you. At The Mansion Event Home, you can mingle around, help yourself to seconds at the buffet, or just relax in one of the many rooms. We
offer you a customized menu to fit your budget and still impress your friends and family with our welcoming atmosphere. The Dining room table seats ten and the adjoining living room has room enough to set up additional tables so everyone can enjoy the party together. It is a much more intimate setting and this is also the perfect time to give your gifts to your bridesmaids and groomsmen. Keep it short and simply elegant. It will be another treasured memory.
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